Monday, July 11, 2011

Book Hoarding.

My name is Lola and I'm a book hoarder.

Ok so I've admitted I have the problem but I'm not looking to change it anytime soon!

During a conversation with my husband last night he accused me of being a book hoarder. I freely admitted the fact to him at that point. He asked me which books I'd be willing to get rid of. Ummm the list he got back was blank. I replied I would NEVER give up any of of my Autographed books. Or any from my Top 10 authors.  Although I have more books than just those two groups, I've become my own library and loan out books regularly. It's become the new joke around here that if I ever open a bakery my books have to go and the bakery will have it's own library. How about "The Lolarific Bakery & Library" as a shop name? Lol. And of course there would be lolarific library cards! Maybe I could do international shipping and ship a library member a cupcake or cake balls and a book? I'd sign up for that!

But back to the attachment issue at hand......does anyone else out there book hoard?? When do you decide that it's time to let a book go? How do you decide between which ones to keep and which ones to toss?


  1. I'd sign up for that as well!

    But your question is hard to answer, I'd never give up my signed by author's books!

  2. I told my husband when the kids move out I'm having a library in one of their rooms. No if's, and's, or but's about it. Lol.

  3. I have a home library and it keeps getting more and more cluttered! LOL My hubby always asks me what I want for holidays and I just say books and bookshelves. LOL
